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Industry Organizations

Manufacturers Alliance (MA)

We provide a network for executives to share knowledge, expertise, benchmarking studies, and best practices. Our Foundation produces in-depth research into the latest trends related to talent, technology, and transformation in the manufacturing space.

IIoT World

IIoT World is the world’s most trusted one-stop-shop for nurtured demand generation,
delivering outstanding online event ROI to the global Industrial IoT (IIOT) community.

Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals (CSCMP)

Provide networking, career development, and educational opportunities to the logistics and supply chain management community

CC-Link Partner Association (CLPA)

Based in Japan, the CLPA has established bases of operations in 11 regions around the world. We lead the way in further promoting the CC-Link industrial network to the world.

International Society of Automation (ISA)

A non-profit professional association founded in 1945 to create a better world through automation. ISA empowers the global automation community through standards and knowledge sharing, driving the advancement of individual careers and the overall profession.


The Gaia-X European Association for Data and Cloud AISBL represents the core of the organisational structure. It is an international non-profit association under Belgian law (French: association internationale sans but lucratif, shortened to AISBL). It was founded to develop the technical framework and operate the Gaia-X Federation services.

Officially, the Association was founded by 22 companies and organisations in January 2021. Until today, over 340 members have joined and more are welcome. Its members are committed to upholding the values of data protection, transparency, openness, security, and respect for data rights. They are either companies with a provider or user background of data infrastructures, IT-start-ups, research institutions or business associations.

Lean Enterprise Institute

The Lean Enterprise Institute Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit based in Boston, MA, with a mission to make things better by advancing lean thinking and practice. It was founded in 1997 by management expert James P. Womack, PhD.

Manufacturing Enterprise Solutions Association (MESA

Helping the global manufacturing community use information technology to achieve business results through premier educational and research programs, best practice sharing, and networking since 1992. MESA is a 501(c)6 not-for-profit trade association.

Organization for Machine Automation and Control (OMAC)

OMAC brings together leading manufacturers representing End-User Manufacturers, OEM Machine Builders, System Integrators, Technology Providers, and Non-Profit/Government Agency organizations to address issues that confront global manufacturing today. OMAC’s three Work Groups, Packaging, Machine Tool and Remote Access, lead the way in producing industry consensus guidelines that help manufacturers achieve their production goals.
OMAC’s PackML group is recognized globally and consists of control vendors, OEM’s, system integrators, universities, and end users, which collaborate on definitions to be consistent with the ISA88 standards and the technology and changing needs of a majority of automated machinery.

National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS)

The National Center for Manufacturing Sciences (NCMS) is a cross-industry technology development consortium, dedicated to improving the competitiveness and strength of the U.S. industrial base. As a member-based organization, it leverages its network of industry, government, and academia partners to develop, demonstrate, and transition innovative technologies efficiently, with less risk and lower cost.

Technology and Manufacturing Association

Founded in 1925, the Technology and Manufacturing Association is an independent trade organization
e​xclusively focused on assisting and promoting small and mid-size manufacturers
​by providing a diverse portfolio of industry-specific benefits and services, including:

Material Handling Industry (MHI

The nation's largest material handling, logistics and supply chain association, we work to deliver the latest knowledge, the strongest connections, powerful industry leadership, and the best market access for manufacturing and supply chain professionals. Our 800+ members and 18 Industry Groups power research and solution sourcing to drive the innovations you can see at our world-class events.

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